Some Income is NOT Your WEALTH
Standard Viewpoint: Your INCOME is not your wealth. Wealth Venn Diagrams: What do you believe is correct? Top or Bottom THE CONTRARION VIEWPOINT YOUR Income is YOUR WEALTH!! The discussion regarding wealth tax and/or taxing of unrealized capital gains seems to have a serious flaw. Unless you believe the bottom Wealth/Income Venn diagram to be true and correct. However, I believe most would agree your income is your wealth. So what is going on with Income tax. It seems that several things might be true. The term income when discussing taxation has been cleverly used to confuse most into believing that income and wealth are separate. The income tax system favors certain types of income, and therefore certain types of people, mostly the wealthy stock and real estate investors. INCOME TAX is really a WEALTH TAX that Taxes some types of wealth transfers and not others. TAXED to the MAX Paychecks are heavily taxed. Asset transfers between individuals and b...